Green Party

Switch to Green

  • Switch to Green
    • Register Green
    • Get Others to Switch to Green
    • BGP Flyer with Change of Party Form
    • If You Are Ineligible to Register to Vote


1. Party affiliation is like a vote, only more powerful and cumulative. Votes disappear after each election, and unlike voting, party affiliation is verifiable, so you know it will be counted.

2. Registering as a Green makes a clear and effective political statement and shows disapproval of politics as usual. The more people register as Green, the more other parties and the media will take our issues seriously. You can still vote for any candidate in a general election, while affiliating with a party that represents your valuesórather than the lesser of two evils.

3. The Green Party does not accept money from corporations.

4. We need 1% of registered voters, about 31,000, to affiliate as Green in Maryland to maintain ballot status and avoid having to repeatedly collect thousands of signatures. As of December 31, 2004, we number 7,566 (1,515 in Baltimore City alone).

5. Registering as Green to build an alternative party may be the simplest action you can take that is so effective.

register green!
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