Green Party

Baltimore Green Party Annual Assembly

Time: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Information: The Baltimore Green Party holds its Annual Assembly to elect new officers, hear amendments to the by-laws and platform, and discuss strategies for the upcoming year. Bring your ideas forward any time. Submissions for platform or bylaw amendments have a deadline of February 19, 2005. Send to [email protected] or by mail to the address below.

Location: The Progressive Action Center, 1443 Gorsuch Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21218

Contact: Vince Tola [email protected]

Phone Number: 410 323-3849

  One of the business items up for discussion will be this proposed Bylaws revision.

Proposed Bylaw Revision

Article 10 Adoption of Bylaws and Amendments

10.1 Effective Date: These Bylaws shall take effect at the end of the general meeting at which they are adopted.

10.2 Amendments:
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed to the Bylaws Committee or to the General Membership (at a general meeting) by any member of the BGP. Any amendment(s) proposed at a general meeting shall be submitted to the Bylaws Committee for subsequent discussion and clarification. The Bylaws Committee shall distribute said amendment(s) to the general membership.

Upon distribution of said amendment(s), the General Membership may adopt it (them) after at least 21 days.

During consideration of the proposed bylaw amendment, the General Membership may choose to

D. Instruct the Bylaws Committee to reconvene to develop new language suitable to all parties. At this point, no fewer than 21 days must elapse before re-consideration of the (newly worded) amendment by the General Membership.

Article 5.5 Annual Assembly: The BGP shall hold an Assembly at least once a year, in February, for the purpose of electing officers and entertaining changes to the Bylaws and policies. Public notice of Assemblies shall be made at least 21 days in advance. All proposed Bylaws changes and major policy proposals shall be made available to all members at least 21 days prior to the Assembly. Note: the general process for amending the Bylaws is enumerated in article 10.2. Proposed agenda items, Bylaws changes, and policy proposals should be communicated to the Organizational Committee 35 days prior to the Assembly.